

News provider
British media companies

Facts and stats

ITN - Independent Television News is a British news provider. It is mainly known for producing news bulletins for ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

ITN Productions is the creative and commercial arm of ITN, producing bespoke content for broadcasters, businesses, brands, rights holders and more.

Contact ITN

Postal address200 Grays Inn Road
Telephone+44 20 7833 3000
Official website

Social media

Twitter@itn (9,271 followers) compare
Twitter: other@ITNProductions (7,189 followers) compare
Twitter: Jobs@ITNCareers (2,203 followers) compare

Latest news stories

ITV News hires Newsnight deputy as head of streaming service
Press Gazette - published 22 April 2024, 12.03pm edt
ITN ‘trailblazer’ Diana Edwards-Jones dies aged 91
Press Gazette - published 15 April 2024, 11.07am edt
ITN sounds alarm over deepfake Robert Peston, Mary Nightingale and others
Press Gazette - published 7 February 2024, 3.30am est

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ITN logo archive

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