
Top Twitter followers for television channels in France

We follow 9,277 Twitter accounts across the media. Where a television channel has more than one main account, we’re currently simply adding the followers together for now; reflecting the total follower number that these channels have. Click their names to discover more about them, and compare their followers with other social networks.

1. France 24 (2 accounts)9,159,973 followers
2. L'Équipe 21 - @lequipe6,600,211 followers
3. TF1 (2 accounts)6,141,001 followers
4. Canal+ - @canalplus3,406,188 followers
5. M6 (2 accounts)3,370,974 followers
6. France 2 (3 accounts)2,867,890 followers
7. NRJ12 - @NRJ12lachaine2,764,641 followers
8. Franceinfo - @franceinfo2,369,079 followers
9. CNEWS - @CNEWS2,354,845 followers
10. TV5MONDE FBSM - @TV5MONDE1,366,571 followers
11. C8 - @C8TV914,849 followers
12. France 5 (2 accounts)679,367 followers
13. LCI - @LCI631,735 followers
14. France 3 (2 accounts)512,201 followers
15. BFM Business - @bfmbusiness302,382 followers
16. MTV France - @MTVFR277,742 followers
17. France 4 - @France4tv260,113 followers
18. RT France - @RTenfrancais174,549 followers
19. euronews - @euronewsfr81,251 followers
20. BFM Paris Île-de-France - @BFMParis80,576 followers
21. BFM Lyon - @BFMLyon59,288 followers
22. Paris Premiére - @ParisPremiere42,024 followers
23. Mangas - @LaChaineMangas41,664 followers
24. RMC Découverte - @RMCDecouverte36,761 followers
25. AB1 - @AB1TV33,100 followers
26. BFM Grand Lille - @BFMGrandLille32,570 followers
27. RMC Story - @RMCStory30,728 followers
28. BFM Alsace - @BFM_Alsace25,516 followers
29. BFM Marseille Provence - @BFMCotedazur21,587 followers
30. BFM Nice Côte d'Azur - @BFMCotedazur21,587 followers
31. BFM Toulon Var - @BFMCotedazur21,587 followers
32. Chérie 25 - @Cherie25tv20,946 followers
33. Comédie+ - @Comedie_plus19,201 followers
34. AB Moteurs - @chaine_automoto14,989 followers
35. Histoire - @histoiretv14,767 followers
36. BFM Normandie - @BFM_Normandie14,659 followers
37. Téva - @tevalachaine14,132 followers
38. Gulli - @gulli13,207 followers
39. TV8 Mont-Blanc - @8montblanc11,414 followers
40. Chasse & Pêche - @ChasseetPecheTV10,534 followers
41. Ushuaïa TV - @Ushuaia_TV9,898 followers
42. Science & Vie TV - @ScienceetvieTV9,101 followers
43. Culturebox - @ftvculturebox7,614 followers
44. Toute l'Histoire - @TLHTV6,202 followers
45. Action - @LaChaineAction5,624 followers
46. BFM DICI - @BFM_DICI4,380 followers
47. Animaux - @AnimauxTV4,317 followers
48. Trek - @TrekHD3,716 followers
49. TV Breizh - @TVBreizh2,186 followers
50. Melody - @telemelody2,085 followers
51. BFM Grand Littoral - @BFMLittoral1,611 followers
52. MyZen TV - @myzentv888 followers