Top Twitter followers for magazines titles in Ireland
We follow 9,277 Twitter accounts across the media. Where a magazine has more than one main account, we’re currently simply adding the followers together for now; reflecting the total follower number that these titles have. Click their names to discover more about them, and compare their followers with other social networks.
1. An Cosantóir - @defenceforces | 49,098 followers |
2. VIP - @VIPmagaz | 31,689 followers |
3. RSVP - @RSVPMagazine | 30,874 followers |
4. Stellar - @stellarmagazine | 29,761 followers |
5. U Magazine - @IT_Shareit | 23,279 followers |
6. History Ireland - @HistIreHedge | 22,522 followers |
7. Irish Medical Times - @IMT_latest | 14,418 followers |
8. RTÉ Guide - @RTE_GUIDE | 12,590 followers |
9. Business & Finance - @BandF | 12,396 followers |
10. House and Home - @houseandhomemag | 7,228 followers |
11. Kiss - @KISS_mag | 5,804 followers |
12. Primary Times Ireland - @PrimaryTimesIRL | 5,177 followers |
13. ISLE Magazine - @ISLEmagazine | 3,377 followers |
14. Look Left - @LookLeftMag | 3,127 followers |
15. Buy&Sell - @appliancesdeliv | 2,443 followers |
16. EILE Magazine - @EILEMagazine | 1,798 followers |
17. Click - @Clickonline_ | 1,325 followers |
18. Face up - @faceupmagazine | 215 followers |