

Defining the future of digital radio
British media companies

Facts and stats

WorldDAB is responsible for defining the standards of the Eureka-147 family which includes DAB and DAB+ for digital radio and DMB for radio and mobile TV. Based in Geneva with headquarters in London, the goal is to promote the awareness and adoption of the technology.

Former namesWorldDMB

Contact WorldDAB

Postal address55 New Oxford Street
Official website

Social media

Twitter@WorldDAB (3,308 followers) compare

Latest news stories

Les récepteurs DAB+ approchent les 150 millions d’unités dans le monde
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 16 February 2025, 11.45pm est
Data released on #WorldRadioDay2025 shows nearly 150 million DAB receivers worldwide
Asia Radio Today - published 16 February 2025, 2.06am est
WorldDAB highlights the ongoing global growth of DAB+ on World Radio Day
RadioToday - published 13 February 2025, 8.26am est
DAB+ : un séminaire sur l'efficacité énergétique à Genève
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 7 February 2025, 2.20am est
Le Paris Radio Show distingue les alertes de sécurité sur DAB+
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 4 February 2025, 12.50am est


Patrick Hannon President

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WorldDAB logo archive

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