
Mark Carter

On Twitter, they describe themselves as: “Deputy Managing Editor for BBC South and BBC South East. Presenter - @BBCSussex @BBCSurrey, @weyvalleyradio @SusyRadio. #SurreyDay founder. Events host.”

Based inSurrey, Sussex or CornwallTwitter

Mark is a Presenter at BBC Radio Surrey.

Mark is a Presenter at BBC Radio Sussex.

Mark has been the Station Director at Wey Valley Radio since 18 October 2015.

Mark was the Presenter at BBC Surrey.

Mark was the Presenter at BBC Sussex.

Mark was the Acting Managing Editor at BBC Surrey.

Mark was the Acting Managing Editor at BBC Sussex.

Online contacts

Possible from their employer entry - info

Social media

Twitter@MarkCarterMC (5,814 followers)Follow Mark Carter on Twitter

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