
Search for groupfitzyandwippa

We’ve searched for media titles (including their former names and callsigns), tags, places, and people named ‘groupfitzyandwippa’, and for media news stories. We’ve also attempted to correct some misspellings, too.

Media titles and organisations


AU flagQueenstown, Rosebery, Strahan & western Tasmania 
chilli 90.1fmchilli 90.1fm
AU flagLaunceston & northern Tasmania 
chilli North Eastchilli North East
AU flagNorth East Tasmania 
Flow FMFlow FM
AU flagSouth Australia, Northern Territory & Victoria 
Magic 89.9Magic 89.9
AU flagPort Lincoln 
Magic 93.1Magic 93.1
AU flagBerri & the Riverland 
Magic 105.9Magic 105.9
AU flagPort Augusta & Port Pirie 
Power FM BallaratPower FM Ballarat
AU flagBallarat, VIC 
Power FM Bega BayPower FM Bega Bay
AU flagFar South Coast, NSW 
Power FM South AustraliaPower FM South Australia
AU flagAdelaide Hills, South Coast & Murraylands, SA 
101.7 Sea FM101.7 Sea FM
AU flagBurnie, TAS 
107.7 Sea FM107.7 Sea FM
AU flagDevonport, TAS