
RadioDNS Hybrid Radio launches new website

From a press release to
Posted 26 August 2014, 6.02am edt

RadioDNS, the not-for-profit international organisation promoting hybrid radio, has launched a new website at, making it easier to understand and get started with RadioDNS Hybrid Radio.

The new site is fully responsive, with an intuitive navigation structure, and a fresh, clean design. There’s lots of information on hybrid radio, and easy to read documents to help broadcasters, developers and manufacturers launch RadioDNS Hybrid Radio services.

The new RadioDNS website features:

  • Clear explanations about RadioDNS Hybrid Radio functionality
  • A library of presentation resources (presentations and videos)
  • A library of easy to read HOWTO documents to make starting with RadioDNS Hybrid Radio much easier
  • An online tool to help stations create RadioDNS Hybrid Radio metadata (XSI) files
  • New source code for developers

The new structure means that non-technical people can immediately understand what RadioDNS Hybrid Radio is, and how it could work for their business, while developers have a wealth of tools and technical information immediately available to them.

As the leading organisation promoting Hybrid Radio across the world, it’s important that RadioDNS recognises and reflects its international status. The new website will provide the information, support and technical tools to make RadioDNS services as easy as possible to implement worldwide.