
Daily Record

Scotland's Champion
GB flagBritish newspaper titles

Facts and stats

The Daily Record as part of the Mirror Group, is a British tabloid newspaper based in Glasgow but controlled from London. It had a paid circulation in November 2014 of 195,223, down 10.7% year on year.Wikipedia

Editorial areaScotland
Weekly readership679,000 readersNRS September 2014
OwnerReach plc

Contact Daily Record

Postal addressAnderston Quay
G3 8DA
Telephone+44 141 248 7000
Official website

Social media

Twitter@Daily_Record (149,069 followers) compareFollow Daily Record on Twitter
FacebookDaily Record (463,766 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Latest news stories

Poacher turns gamekeeper: SNP appoints ex-tabloid editor as comms chief
Poacher turns gamekeeper: SNP appoints ex-tabloid editor as comms chief
PR Week - published 13 February 2020, 11.35am est


Greig Cameron Journalist
John Penman Business Editor
John McKie Journalist
Kevin Schofield Journalist
Murray Foote Editor
Stuart Nicol Picture editor
Tom Hamilton News editor
Victoria Raimes Journalist

…at Reach plc

Alison Gow Digital Innovation Editor Regionals
Lloyd Embley Editor-in-Chief
Michael Greenwood Executive Editor

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Daily Record logo archive

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