
4ZZZ playlist

These are the most played tracks on 4ZZZ, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 15 February 2025, 9.00am est.

"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.

1.Thelma Plum
Home Among The Gumtrees
Warner Music - 12 plays - 10,923 impacts
2.Viagra Boys
Man Made Of Meat
Shrimptech Enterprises - 12 plays - 10,686 impacts
3.Bob Vylan feat. Amy Taylor
Dream Bigger
Ghost Theatre - 10 plays - 9,172 impacts
Building 650
Warp Records - 8 plays - 8,408 impacts
5.Miss Kaninna
Blak Britney
Independent - 8 plays - 6,407 impacts
6.A.B. Original
January 26
Golden Era - 7 plays - 7,669 impacts
7.Black Country, New Road
Ninja Tune - 7 plays - 6,031 impacts
8.Roger Knox
Black Tear Tracks
Independent - 6 plays - 7,008 impacts
9.Miss Kaninna
Dawg In Me
Soul Has No Tempo - 6 plays - 5,246 impacts
Universal Music - 6 plays - 3,448 impacts