ABC Northern Tasmania - listening figures
How many people listen to ABC Northern Tasmania? This page has the latest official audience figures. All figures quoted include listening across all platforms, including online, and are compiled from public press releases via Xtra Research by
More info: to find out more, including station addresses, people who work there, audience figures and how to listen, see ABC Northern Tasmania’s directory listing.
Overview for ABC Northern Tasmania
Survey | 1, 2017 |
Survey area | Launceston TAS |
Weekly audience | 361,0005.30am to midnight, adults 10+ |
Historical charts
We do not yet have enough data for a historical chart on this page. We will add historical charts after a few years of Xtra Research data.
Regular research in smaller local markets in Australia is relatively recent, so we don’t yet have enough data to show how stations are doing.
Local data like this is also available for some national ABC stations, but we do not, yet, display this information. To see ABC national radio data for this market, and daypart data for this station, see the website.
- Full surveys are at and are produced on behalf of Commercial Radio Australia by Xtra Research.
- To maintain comparisons with other countries, we use the demographic figures.
- Because of technical constraints, these figures have been retyped.