Gold 104.3 playlist
These are the most played tracks on Gold 104.3, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 15 February 2025, 8.00am est.
"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.
1. | Europe The Final Countdown Sony Music - 30 plays - 1,570,363 impacts |
2. | Goanna Solid Rock Festival Records - 30 plays - 1,561,973 impacts |
3. | Survivor Eye Of The Tiger Sony Music - 29 plays - 1,801,813 impacts |
4. | Bruce Springsteen Dancing In The Dark Sony Music - 29 plays - 1,584,994 impacts |
5. | Choirboys Run To Paradise Mushroom - 29 plays - 1,485,764 impacts |
6. | John Parr St. Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion) Universal Music - 27 plays - 1,668,682 impacts |
7. | Simple Minds Don't You (Forget About Me) EMI Music - 27 plays - 1,539,745 impacts |
8. | Dragon Rain Mercury - 26 plays - 1,641,463 impacts |
9. | Elton John I'm Still Standing Universal Music - 26 plays - 1,520,921 impacts |
10. | INXS Need You Tonight Mercury - 26 plays - 1,498,127 impacts |