
Heart East Anglia playlist

These are the most played tracks on Heart East Anglia, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 15 February 2025, 7.00pm est.

"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.

A Bar Song (Tipsy)
American Dogwood - 178 plays - 3,099,639 impacts
2.Benson Boone
Beautiful Things
Warner Records - 176 plays - 3,063,855 impacts
3.Teddy Swims
Lose Control
Atlantic - 175 plays - 3,100,362 impacts
4.ROSÉ & Bruno Mars
Atlantic - 175 plays - 3,070,528 impacts
5.Myles Smith
RCA - 173 plays - 3,113,693 impacts
6.Teddy Swims
The Door
Atlantic - 172 plays - 3,146,424 impacts
Austin (Boots Stop Workin')
Warner Records - 171 plays - 3,056,130 impacts
8.Post Malone feat. Morgan Wallen
I Had Some Help
Island - 171 plays - 3,006,418 impacts
9.Noah Kahan
Stick Season
Island - 170 plays - 2,950,476 impacts
Too Sweet
Island - 168 plays - 3,062,674 impacts