Triple M Perth 92.9 playlist
These are the most played tracks on Triple M Perth 92.9, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 15 February 2025, 11.00am est.
"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.
1. | Jelly Roll Liar Universal Music - 112 plays - 2,752,711 impacts |
2. | Royel Otis Linger AWAL - 105 plays - 2,682,651 impacts |
3. | CYRIL feat. Dean Lewis Fall At Your Feet Warner Music - 104 plays - 2,804,700 impacts |
4. | Post Malone feat. Morgan Wallen I Had Some Help Universal Music - 102 plays - 2,720,530 impacts |
5. | Weeknd, The Dancing In The Flames Universal Music - 99 plays - 2,712,646 impacts |
6. | Billie Eilish BIRDS OF A FEATHER Interscope - 90 plays - 2,540,775 impacts |
7. | Alex Warren & Ella Henderson Carry You Home Warner Records - 85 plays - 2,209,893 impacts |
8. | Sonny Fodera, Jazzy, D.O.D Somedays SOLOTOKO - 82 plays - 1,959,244 impacts |
9. | Lola Young Messy Island - 68 plays - 1,846,532 impacts |
10. | Sam Fender People Watching Universal Music - 67 plays - 1,846,699 impacts |