
Nova 96.9 - listening figures

How many people listen to Nova 96.9? This page has the latest official audience figures. All figures quoted include listening across all platforms, including online, and are compiled from public press releases by

More info: to find out more, including station addresses, people who work there, audience figures and how to listen, see Nova 96.9’s directory listing.

Overview for Nova 96.9

Survey5, 2018
Surveyed stationNOVA96.9
Surveyed areaSydney RA1This station may also appear in adjoining survey areas
Market share7.9%5.30am to midnight, adults 10+
Weekly audience992,0005.30am to midnight, adults 10+

Historical charts


Where stations have changed name, roll your mouse over the chart to see the surveyed station name. Before Survey 2 2011, there were no separate 65+ figures compiled; the 55-64 line above relates to 55+.
Caution: these two graphs relate to different timescales.
