Ocean FM playlist
These are the most played tracks on Ocean FM, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 22 February 2025, 7.00pm est.
"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.
1. | Cian Ducrot Who's Making You Feel It? Universal Music - 23 plays - 108,001 impacts |
2. | Allie Sherlock How Love Works Universal - 22 plays - 118,666 impacts |
3. | Ryan McMullan Jenny & Johnny (Self Release) - 19 plays - 74,169 impacts |
4. | Chappell Roan HOT TO GO! Island - 18 plays - 73,666 impacts |
5. | ROSÉ & Bruno Mars APT. Atlantic - 18 plays - 69,499 impacts |
6. | Gracie Abrams That's So True Universal Music - 17 plays - 123,834 impacts |
7. | Picture This Satellites Sony Music - 17 plays - 100,666 impacts |
8. | Lady Gaga & Bruno Mars Die With A Smile Universal Music - 17 plays - 76,832 impacts |
9. | Chappell Roan Good Luck, Babe! Island - 17 plays - 75,167 impacts |
10. | Hozier Nobody's Soldier Island - 16 plays - 92,499 impacts |