E4 Extra
British television channels
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Facts and stats
E4 Extra is a general entertainment channel from Channel 4.
Editorial area | UK |
Most played | Blonde Redhead, Christine And The Queens, Future IslandsRadiomonitor |
Launched | 31 October 2003 |
Owner | Channel 4 Television Corporation |
Former names | The Hits 4Music |
Viewing figures: | Weekly top 10BARB |
Contact E4 Extra
Postal address | 124-126 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2TX |
Telephone | +44 345 076 0191 |
Official website | channel4.com |
other | 4sales.com |
Personal email | initialsurname@channel4.co.uk |
Social media
@E4Tweets (183,337 followers) compare | ||
Twitter: Jobs | @Channel4Skills (86,489 followers) compare | |
Twitter: Press Office | @C4Press (37,893 followers) compare | |
Twitter: Advertising sales | @4SalesUK (4,044 followers) compare | |
4Music ( Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation. |
Latest news stories
…at Channel 4 Television Corporation
Alex Mahon Chief Executive
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Other information
This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Tomas McDermott (, Jake S, Graeme M, Martin P and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.