
That's TV South Midlands

Local television for Oxfordshire
GB flagBritish television channels

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Facts and stats

That's South Midlands is the local television channel for Oxford based in Reading with That's Thames Valley. It's editorial area covers Oxfordshire and Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.

Editorial areaOxford
Launched17 April 2015
OwnerThat's Television
Former namesThat's Oxford

Contact That's TV South Midlands

Postal addressUnit 115
Broad Street Mall
Telephone+44 1865 338333
Official website

Social media

Twitter@TTVOxfordshire (900 followers) compareFollow That's TV South Midlands on Twitter
FacebookOxfordshire News (1,656 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Daisy Smith Presenter
Emily Horne Journalist/Presenter
Emma-Jane Taylor Presenter
Eve Ahmed Presenter
Harry Orme Tech Director
Laura Hough Deputy Station Editor
Robin Shuckburgh Presenter
Ross Arrowsmith Journalist
Scott Morgan Journalist

…at That's Television

Daniel Cass Chief Executive
Kris Vaiksalu Head of Programming

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Other information

That's TV South Midlands logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Thatstv O, James C, Alex W, Alex I and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.