
Top Twitter followers for radio stations in France

We follow 9,277 Twitter accounts across the media. Where a radio station has more than one main account, we’re currently simply adding the followers together for now; reflecting the total follower number that these stations have. Click their names to discover more about them, and compare their followers with other social networks.

1. RFI - @RFI4,381,113 followers
2. BFM Radio - @BFMTV4,035,006 followers
3. NRJ - @NRJhitmusiconly3,388,650 followers
4. Europe 1 - @Europe11,641,654 followers
5. RTL - @RTLFrance1,160,554 followers
6. Fun Radio - @funradio_fr738,517 followers
7. Skyrock - @SkyrockFM457,409 followers
8. RMC - @RMCInfo330,177 followers
9. Mouv' - @mouv257,626 followers
10. Europe 2 - @Europe2213,641 followers
11. Africa n°1 - @africaradioOFF200,599 followers
12. ici - @francebleu89,932 followers
13. RFM - @RFMFrance84,183 followers
14. Chérie FM - @radiocheriefm73,531 followers
15. FIP - @fipradio65,570 followers
16. Radio Classique - @radioclassique42,626 followers
17. BFM Grand Lille - @BFMGrandLille32,570 followers
18. OÜI FM - @ouifm29,806 followers
19. Rire et Chansons - @rirechansons23,600 followers
20. Tendance Ouest - @tendanceouest21,496 followers
21. RCF Radio - @radiorcf15,685 followers
22. Radio Scoop - @RadioSCOOPOff15,633 followers
23. Rinse France - @RinseFrance11,707 followers
24. M Radio - @mradiofr10,807 followers
25. Nostalgie - @nostalgiefm10,377 followers
26. Autoroute Info - @AutorouteINFO8,358 followers
27. Evasion FM - @evasionfm2,163 followers
28. Chante France - @chantefrancefm2,120 followers
29. Melody - @telemelody2,085 followers
30. Radio RFR - @radiorfr1,778 followers