Facts and stats about the worldwide radio industry
This website contains a bunch of data about stations in countries across the world. Some data isn’t comparable between different countries, because they work things out differently. You’ll find more data on every radio station’s page, and if you select a local edition, above, you’ll see more comparable data.
Most listened-to Irish radio stations (by market share)
United Kingdom
All UK radio stations on FM
The most popular radio stations in London
The most popular radio stations in Scotland
The most popular radio stations in the UK
RAJAR vs TuneIn, Twitter, and Facebook
Logos for your DAB car radio
Social media
These figures are global. See individual country editions for localised versions.
Twitter - by radio station, people who work in radio, or by oldest account
Facebook - by radio station
Instagram - by radio station
TuneIn - followers per radio station
audioBoom - followers per radio station
SoundCloud - followers per radio station
More information
The most popular radio stations in the UK
What are the most listened-to radio stations in Great Britain, according to the RAJAR audience figures? We take a look at Britain's best radio.
RAJAR figures on media.info
We've got the complete UK radio listening figures
An introduction to the UK radio industry
So, you're from another country and you'd like a quick overview of the UK radio scene?
Radio accounts for 80% of listening in-car
Australian figures show a rosy picture for radio, with 80% of all audio in-car
What is DAB+
A new form of digital radio broadcasting is now available in the UK: but what is DAB plus - and what do you need to listen?
The history and development of radio in the UK
The UK radio market today is a product of over 90 years of radio broadcasting in the UK and 40 years of commercial radio broadcasting.
Is DAB bad for your health?
Are DAB+ frequencies safe for me to have a radio set next to my bed at night?
When did DAB launch in the UK?
DAB Digital Radio launched over a number of years
Top 20 digital radio stations in the UK
BBC and Bauer lead Global in digital switchover
The top eight radio platforms to be on
With the advent of digital satellite, digital terrestrial television, cable, the internet, DAB Digital Radio, and the continuing FM and AM transmissions, getting a great choice of radio is easier than ever before. But which is best for you?
How UK radio listening figures are worked out
Radio listener figures are produced by a company called RAJAR. But who is RAJAR? What does it stand for? And how do they compile the figures?
How much radio listening is on-demand?We look into the figures for the BBC and UK radio as a whole to discover exactly how much of their radio listening is to catch-up, listen-again, or podcasts.