Near FM playlist
These are the most played tracks on Near FM, according to Radiomonitor, for the seven days until 15 February 2025, 7.00pm est.
"Plays" are the total number of plays during this week. "Impacts" are an estimate of how many times it was heard, considering this station’s audience figures.
1. | Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony The Hustle Avco - 61 plays - 9,400 impacts |
2. | Lisa O'Neill feat. Peter Doherty Homeless In The Thousands (Dublin In The Digital Age) Rough Trade - 11 plays - 1,600 impacts |
3. | Floyd Cramer On The Rebound RCA Victor - 9 plays - 1,800 impacts |
4. | Undertones, The Teenage Kicks Sire - 9 plays - 1,500 impacts |
5. | Fiach Moriarty feat. Damien Dempsey I'm For Gallipoli (Self Release) - 8 plays - 1,600 impacts |
6. | Chris Wong When I Feel Your Love (Self Release) - 8 plays - 1,250 impacts |
7. | EMMY Laika Party (Self Release) - 8 plays - 1,166 impacts |
8. | Rudimental feat. John Newman Feel The Love Asylum - 6 plays - 1,133 impacts |
9. | Elbow One Day Like This Fiction - 6 plays - 1,066 impacts |
10. | Fiction Factory (Feels Like) Heaven CBS - 6 plays - 1,000 impacts |