Near FM
Irish radio stations
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Facts and stats
Near fm 90.3 is a BAI-licensed, communally owned, and not-for-profit community media project. The project is operated by a democratic co-operative, Near Media Co-op, and is open to all organisations and individuals in Dublin North-East, Ireland. T...Wikipedia
Editorial area | Coolock |
Most played | Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony, Lisa O'Neill feat. Peter Doherty, Floyd CramerRadiomonitor |
Launched | 1995 |
Contact Near FM
Postal address | Northside Civic Centre, Bunratty Road, Dublin, 17 |
Telephone | +353 1 867 1190 |
Official website | |
Wikipedia | NEAR_90FM |
Social media
@nearfm (6,213 followers) compare | ||
Near FM ( Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation. | ||
TuneIn | < |
Latest news stories
Darren O'Raghallaigh Presenter
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