
Teesside TV

Always Local, Always On
British television channels

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Facts and stats

Made in Teesside is a local television channel for Teesside in the North East of England owned and operated by Made Television.

Editorial areaTeesside
Launched30 March 2017
OwnerLocal TV Ltd
Former namesTalk Teesside

Contact Teesside TV

Postal address21 Savile Mount
Telephone+44 333 340 1000
Official website

Social media

Twitter@TeessideLocalTV (968 followers) compare
FacebookTeesside TV (3,163 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
Instagrammadeinteesside (265 followers) compare


Jennifer Henry Presenter
Mel Crawford Presenter
Peter Darrant Presenter
Will Foxx Presenter

…at Local TV Ltd

Andrew Seddon Head of Channels
Chris James Head of News & Production
David McCormack Chief Executive
David Montgomery Managing Director
Jamie Conway CEO
Victoria Clapham Marketing Director

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Teesside TV logo archive

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