
Top Instagram followers for television channels in the UK

We follow 312 Instagram accounts across the media. Where a television channel has more than one main account, we’re currently simply adding the total followers together for now; reflecting the total follower number that these channels have. Click their names to discover more about them, and compare their followers with other social networks.

1Al Arabiya2,683,590 followers
2France 24528,340 followers
3Sky News UK347,858 followers
4RT283,665 followers
5BBC One251,988 followers
6ITVBe160,033 followers
7Daystar72,755 followers
8London TV34,865 followers
9Sky Atlantic14,949 followers
10British Muslim TV6,503 followers
11Leeds TV3,827 followers
12The Craft Store3,734 followers
13Bristol TV1,838 followers
14Cardiff TV1,795 followers
15U&W1,488 followers
16Teesside TV265 followers
17Birmingham TV45 followers
18Together TV40 followers