Radio web company G Media becomes Aiir
Posted 28 April 2015, 7.00am edt

Radio web and mobile specialists G Media announced this morning that they have become Aiir in their first ever keynote in London.
The company's radio station content management platform Airwave, the most popular of its kind in the UK, is now also known simply as Aiir.
Luke Taylor, Aiir Creative Director (above left) said: “Bringing the company and platform together made complete sense and simplifies everything we do. Our new motto is Radio Made Simple, and the simplification of our branding is a big part of that.”
The company's work includes Studio Inbox, a system that pulls twitter, Facebook, traffic and text messages all into one screen; mobile apps for iOS and Android, and listener clubs.
They also built the latest Radioplayer web console, the standard web player for the UK radio industry.
Aiir has also today unveiled their new ‘instant access’ offering.
The move means the technology and tools from Aiir will be available for the first time to small start-up internet broadcasters, community, hospital and public stations along with commercial stations and larger radio groups.
The extended service will be available from Summer 2015 and Chris Country has been announced as the launch partner and first station on board.
Chris Stevens, founder of Chris Country spoke during the keynote and said: “It’s such an easy system to use, yet will give our listeners so much to enjoy online. From automatically generated artist pages, to country news and gig guides, I’m so excited about getting our new site online.”
From today, Aiir’s radio station content management platform features an all new look and is fully responsive, meaning stations can manage their websites and mobiles apps from any device, anywhere in the world.
The popular ‘Studio Inbox’ service, which brings together text messages, facebook posts, tweets and alerts in one place, is now available in the United States and Canada for the first time.
Gav Richards, Aiir Product Development Director (above right) added: “We’ve been working on the new identity and product enhancements for a while, and it’s extremely exciting to finally be able to share this with everyone. It’s just the start of things to come.”
Aiir’s new website is