
Basingstoke Now

British radio stations

Listen to Basingstoke Now

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Facts and stats

Unlike other radio stations, Basingstoke Now does not play music so no cheesy DJs and no songs you’ve heard a million times before!

Instead we provide a ‘rolling billboard’ of useful and interesting information to help you get the most out of your local area.

It could be that you are looking for a new group or club to be part of – we tell you about the wide range of options in your community.

You might need help for you or someone you know, perhaps with accessing support – we speak to those who can help.

Or perhaps you just want to know where you can go this weekend – Basingstoke Now will let you know what’s happening in Basingstoke and the surrounding areas.

Editorial areaBasingstoke

Contact Basingstoke Now


Social media

Twitter@BizBrainsUK (608 followers) compare

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Other information

Basingstoke Now logo archive

Can we help?

How can I listen to Basingstoke Now?

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Vincent L and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.