La première radio généraliste en Belgique francophone.
Belgian radio stations
Listen to Bel RTL
You can hear Bel RTL on FM, RadioPlayer Belgium and online
Facts and stats
Editorial area | Belgium |
Most played | Stromae & Pomme, Dua Lipa, HelenaRadiomonitor |
Contact Bel RTL
Postal address | 2 Avenue Jacques Georgin, Brussels, 1030 |
Telephone | +32 2 337 69 11 |
Main | |
Social media
@BelRTL (50,867 followers) compare | ||
belrtl (6,693 followers) compare | ||
TuneIn | < |
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This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Dylan B and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.