
Crystal FM

Crystal FM will provide a community radio service catering for all residents of Penicuik and surrounding villages in Midlothian
GB flagBritish radio stations

Listen to Crystal FM

You can hear Crystal FM on online

Editorial areaPenicuik

Contact Crystal FM

Postal addressPenicuik Community Education Association
Carnethy Centre
Muirhead Place
EH26 0LE
Telephone+44 1968 674095
Official website

Social media

FacebookCrystal FM 107.4 (1,176 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
Like Crystal FM on Facebook


Alan Kidd Presenter
Charles Fletcher Presenter
Colin McCall Presenter
Dave Ewart Presenter
Dick Barrie Presenter
Gordon Young Presenter
Gus Mcfadzen Presenter
Ian Murdoch Presenter
Johnny Ward Presenter
Keiran Harvey Presenter
Lew Alpaugh Presenter
Mark Graveling Presenter
Paul Clarke Presenter
Ray Nelson Presenter
Ruairidh Tait Presenter
Ryan Sturrock Presenter
Scott Mackenzie Presenter
Valentina Russell Presenter
Viv Craggs Freelance presenter

Can you help update this entry?

Do you know this radio station’s launch date? Please add it to our directory.

Other information

Crystal FM logo archive

Can we help?

How can I listen to Crystal FM?

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Scott M, Viv C, Mike B and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.