Dublin South FM
Dublin South FM Community Radio
Irish radio stations
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Facts and stats
'Dublin South FM' is a community-based radio service for South Dublin, which broadcasts seven days a week from 1100 - 2300 on the frequency 93.9 FM.Wikipedia
Editorial area | South Dublin |
Most played | Buddy Holly, Diana Ross, Ella FitzgeraldRadiomonitor |
Launched | 1995 |
Owner | CRAOL |
Contact Dublin South FM
Postal address | DATE Complex Level 5, Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford Road, Dublin, 16 |
Telephone | +353 1 296 0939 |
Official website | dublinsouthfm.ie |
Wikipedia | Dublin_south_fm |
Main | craol.ie |
Main email | info@dublinsouthfm.ie |
Social media
@DublinSouthFM (4,689 followers) compare | ||
Dublin South FM ( Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation. | ||
TuneIn | < |
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This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Dylan B, Paula H, Mike B and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.