
France Culture

France Culture, c'est pour vous
French radio stations

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Facts and stats

France Culture is a French public radio station and part of Radio France. Its programming encompasses a wide variety of features on historical, philosophical, sociopolitical, and scientific themes (including debates, discussions, and documentaries), as well as literary readings, radio plays, and experimental productions.

Editorial areaFrance
OwnerRadio France
Former namesProgramme National
France III
RTF Promotion

Contact France Culture

Postal addressMaison de la Radio
avenue du Président Kennedy
Telephone+33 1 564 0222
Official website

Social media


Latest news stories

France Culture célèbre l’amour en février
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 12 February 2025, 12.50am est
France Culture enregistre 50% d’audience en plus chez les moins de 35 ans
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 13 January 2025, 2.50am est
Le MAG 167 - Début de saison sur les chapeaux de roues pour France Culture
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 3 January 2025, 2.50am est
France Culture fait le bilan d'un quart de siècle
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 26 December 2024, 3.05am est
Des fêtes en poésie et aventures sur France Culture
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 6 December 2024, 10.30am est


Sandrine Treiner Programme Director

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Other information

France Culture logo archive

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This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Dylan B and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.