Nostalgie Wallonia
Belgian radio stations
Listen to Nostalgie Wallonia
You can hear Nostalgie Wallonia on FM, RadioPlayer Belgium and online
Facts and stats
Nostalgie Wallonia is the French speaking version of the classic hits radio station for the Wallonia and Brussels City Region areas of Belgium.
Editorial area | Belgium |
Most played | Florent Pagny, Whitney Houston, Fine Young CannibalsRadiomonitor |
Contact Nostalgie Wallonia
Postal address | 775 Chaussée de Louvain, Brussels, 1140 |
Telephone | +32 2 227 04 50 |
Main | |
YouTube | nostalgiebe |
Social media
@NostalgieBE (5,426 followers) compare | ||
nostalgiebelgique (2,403 followers) compare | ||
TuneIn | < |
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Other information
Nostalgie Wallonia logo archive
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How can I listen to Nostalgie Wallonia?
This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Martin P, Dylan B and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.