
WTAK-FM - Classic Rock 106.1 TAK

Huntsville's Classic Rock
US flagAmerican radio stations

Facts and stats

Editorial areaHuntsville, Alabama
OwneriHeartMedia, Inc.
Former namesWYAM-FM

Contact WTAK-FM - Classic Rock 106.1 TAK

Official website

Social media

Twitter@iHeartRadio (1,381,610 followers) compareFollow WTAK-FM - Classic Rock 106.1 TAK on Twitter
FacebookiHeartRadio (7,392,995 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Big Rig Presenter
BMAN Presenter
Doc Reno Presenter
Erich West Presenter
Ken Dashow Presenter
Maria Milito Presenter
Nikki Sixx Presenter
Ty Bailey Presenter

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Other information

WTAK-FM - Classic Rock 106.1 TAK logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Mike B for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.