
Kool FM

Today's Best Music
Australian radio stations

Listen to Kool FM

You can hear Kool FM on FM and online

Facts and stats

Editorial areaInnisfail & the Tropical Coast, QLD
Launched20 March 1997
OwnerNQ Radio Network
National salesTRSN

Contact Kool FM

Postal address1 Edith Street
QLD 4860
Telephone+61 7 4061 7983
Official website

Social media

FacebookKool FM, 98.3 (672 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.

Latest news stories

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Bill Caralis now owns 49% of NQ Radio stations - published 26 August 2021, 8.18pm edt
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Ozarizan Mohd Nor is Commercial Radio Malaysia’s new President
Asia Radio Today - published 20 October 2018, 11.47am edt

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Other information

Kool FM logo archive

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This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Jake S for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.