
Cannock Chase Radio

Truly Local Radio
GB flagBritish radio stations

Listen to Cannock Chase Radio

You can hear Cannock Chase Radio on online

Editorial areaCannock, Staffordshire
Launched15 November 2014

Contact Cannock Chase Radio

Postal address2 Wynns Venture Center
Broad Street
Cannock Wood
Telephone+44 154 3622 556
Official website
Advertising Sales

Social media

Twitter@CannockRadio (2,478 followers) compareFollow Cannock Chase Radio on Twitter
FacebookCannock Chase Radio FM (18,490 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Brett Peach Presenter
Geoff Anderson Presenter
Mad Marv Head of Tech
Mike Brown Presenter
Paul Gray Presenter
Pete Dicks Presenter
Rob Hughes Presenter
Rob Talbot Presenter
Sabe Jackson Presenter
Viv Craggs Freelance Presenter

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Cannock Chase Radio logo archive

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How can I listen to Cannock Chase Radio?

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Vincent L, Cannock Chase R, Richard M, James H, Josh L, Paul G, Viv C and Mike B for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.